Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru

Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru

Bunyoro folklore has it that the Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru caves acquired its name from Omukama Ndahura Karumbubi, the first chwezi King.

The Story goes, Bakuku a Servant to Omukama(King) Isaza Nyakikooto Rugambanabato (the last Omukama of the Batembuuzi dynasty – reign of the god), proclaimed himself a new King of kitara when Omukama Isaza disappeared after being subdued by the bachwezi in the Nyamiyonga underworld with their beautiful daughter Nyamata(milk y).

Bakuku belonged to the Baranzi clan and was a considered a “Mwiru”-Servant. This proclamation to Kingship involved him in a power struggle with the members of the Bagabu clan as Omukama Isaza the former Mukama – King, belonged to the Bagabu Clan – Basongora.

All the saza chiefs who had been left by Isaza Rugambanabato rebelled against Bukuku on account that they could not be ruled by a Mwiru and that Bukuku wasn’t a legitimate heir to the throne.

Bakuku had fathered only one daughter called Nyinamwiru who was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and a princess, so called because her father was a peasant, but had been warned by fortunetellers that one of his descendants would overthrow him and take over power.

Due to this paranoia, he imprisoned Nyinamwiru and mutilated her, depriving her of one eye, one ear and one breast so she would not be desirable to any man.

While in the underworld, Omukama Isaza and Nyamata had bore a son and named him Isimbwa, Prince Isimbwa used to visit earth and on one of his adventures, he stumbled upon the dungeon(prison) Nyinamwiru was being hidden, mesmerized by her beauty and touched by her sorrow. He immediately fell in love with her and their encounter lead to the birth of a son whom they called Ndahura.

When Bukuku found out what had happened, he was very furious and immediately ordered a wide search for the little boy- his grandson. Remembering the warnings from the past he sought to execute the little boy before he grew into the man who would eventually overthrow him.

Baby Ndahura was captured and Bukuku decided to end his life by throwing him in a river. Nyinamwiru begged and pleaded with her father to spare her only child. She vowed to migrate to the outskirts of the kingdom to the lands unknown and raise the boy away from her father’s kingdom.

But Bukuku was adamant because the boy had royal blood flowing through his veins and was a legitimate claim to the kingdom he had grabbed. He went ahead and hurled him into the river and believed his troubles were over. He had killed his adversary. As luck may have it, the gods were watching over their grandson. The baby’s umbilical cord got stuck on a tree branch and was saved from drowning.

One of the king’s porters saw what had happened and hurriedly rescued him, hiding him in a cave. However he could not feed the newly born baby. He was just a lowly porter. If he couldn’t find a solution, the boy would surely die.

The gods saw their grandson was in jeopardy. They magically made the walls of the cave grow tens of breasts, dripping with milk enough to feed Baby Ndahura and all the babies in the kingdom. They came to be known as “Amabeere ga Nyinamwiru” translated as Nyinamwiru’s breasts.

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