The Legend of Mugenyi and the Red Cow Bihogo

The Legend of Mugenyi and the Red Cow Bihogo

Long ago, it is said, during the reign of Omukama Isaza Nyakikooto – The last King of the Batembuzi dynasty, there appeared a race of people known as the Bacwezi, a remarkable group of kinsmen,They had a light skin, believed to have super- natural dignity and power, and often described as nyamutukura-‘white’, The bachwezi subdued king Isaza with their beautiful girl nyamata and bore a son, Isimbwa who then bore Ndahura. Ndahura went on to have a son Wamara

In his time as ruler, Wamara had signs of disquiet multiplied. There were feuds between the Cwezi princes. Strangers raided their herds and ‘foul things’ drove them from the watering- places. Worst of all, the marvelously productive red cow called Bihogo, precious possession of prince Mugenyi, choked on her salt drink and died, and Prince Mugenyi, with difficulty restrained from killing himself, as he had vowed to do. Disturbed by these events, the king ordered the cow to be slaughtered for divination, only to find that it had no entrails-intestines.

The official soothsayers, the Twairwe-interpreters of the King, were unable to interpret this appalling omen (or offered an unconvincingly hopeful reading), but a stranger from the north, a man of the Abasuuli clan called Nyakoka (or Karongo), undertook to divulge the mystery if the Mukama made blood-brotherhood with him so that no prophecy of his should jeopardize his life. Prince Mugenyi was ordered to make blood-brotherhood with Nyakoko as the Omukama was not allowed to do so.

Nyakoko split open the head and the hooves of the carcass and revealed the intestines. A smut blew out of the carcass and settled on them. It could not be removed.

He located the missing entrails in the head and hooves of the cattle, and intercepted to them the meaning of each, The empty body of the cow signified that the rule of the Bachwezi over the land had ended, The entrails in the head meant that the Bachwezi would still hold power over mankind, The entrails in the hooves meant that the Bachwezi would wander continuously. Their servants, their women, even their dogs would withdraw obedience, and the smut meant that their royal drum would pass to ‘a black man of another nation’. The Bachwezi heard these prophecies and decided to kill Nyakoko. Mugenyi managed to warn Nyakoko who escaped to Bukidi.

Sure enough, they found themselves treated with general contempt, and the final humiliation came when Prince Mugenyi was mocked by a woman, his mother’s sister, for not carrying out his suicidal vow. So king Wamara the last chwezi king went out from his capital with all his people and vanished from the land.

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