Story of Omukama Ndahura and the Bird that Blazed in the Dark

Omukama Ndahura and the Bird that Blazed in the Dark

The ancestors of the Bahweju originated from Karagwe in Tanzania, and they entered Nkore through Mpororo. As they came into the country, a bird descended from heaven and lighted on one of them. At that time, there was in the land a clan of people called Abarara, who were seers and prophets.

They told the Bahweju to follow the bird wherever it would lead them, that it was a sign that a kingdom awaited them. They followed the bird then, and it led them.

They followed it day and night, for it blazed (lighted) in the dark. It led them from Mpororo, through Buhweju and Kitara, and there it disappeared. So they went to King Ndahura of the Bachwezi.

They had with them their sister(Nyakahuma), a girl of great beauty. When King Ndahura saw her, he wanted to marry her. Her brothers consented, and she was married to King Ndahura. In return, he gave them part of Kitara land.

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