The Story of Prince Kibi Kibunga Nyakiiru Kaganda and the Formation of Kiziba Kingdom

The Story of Prince Kibi Kibunga Nyakiiru Kaganda and the Formation of Kiziba Kingdom

Kiziba existed under the governorship of King Ntumwa, the titles of the Kings before Omukama Kibi I Kibunga Nyakiiru Kaganda arrived are took over the throne are not clearly known.

Welcome to the formation of Kiziba Kingdom under Omukama Kibi I Kibunga

Before Prince Kibi went to Kiziba and acquired his known name, he was known to his father(Omukama Winyi I Igaba, Rubembeka Ntara) of Bunyoro-Kitara as Nyakiiru Kaganda.

When Omukama Winyi I was sending out his sons as rulers to govern the different saza’s of Bunyoro-Kitara, one of his sons, Nyakiiru was absent, he was on a long hunt. When he returned from the hunt he found that his father Omukama Winyi I had distributed his drums to his siblings, Only Tibimulinde and Nyamirembe were the only drums that remained, Omukama loved these two drums a lot, but Nyamirembe most.

Nyakiiru’s mother told him, “While you were delayed in the wilderness hunting, your father distributed all the drums to your brother to go and rule in different regions. Where will you go and rule? Very Sadly, Naykiiru went to his father and told him what his mother had said, Omukama Winyi told him to take Tibimulinde drum and go rule over Kiziba, he instructed him, When you arrive, use the ruse of befriending the people there, give me food and meat, In this was they will love you, and you will take over the Kingdom from Ntumwa(the then King of Kiziba).

But Nyakiiru loved his father’s drum Nyamirembe more than Tibimulinde, it was small and could be easily concealed from the suspicious people of him possessing a royal drum. So he and his mother made a secret plan to steal the drum, it was the drum his father used to summon people.

The Drum was stolen, him some three men left for Kiziba, on their way they meant Kanyamaiswa, who was a son to King Ntumwa but had been expelled by his father because he had removed his upper teeth first, which was against the customs of Kiziba, he had been taken in as child by a family in the village of Isango.

Nyakiiru contracted a blood brotherhood pact with Kanyamaiswa as a new found friend and he pledged to help him get back to his father.

Nyakiiru was a good hunter, when he arrived in Kiziba, in a village called Buhanga, he went out hunting and killed two bushbucks and a buffalo which he shared with the people of Buhanga and this made the people love him for his generosity.

He continuously went of hunting expeditions, killing animals and sharing the hunt with the people as his father had guided him to do so, the saying is(A man’s heart is in the stomach).

While he stayed in Buhanga, people loved him because he gave them a lot meat, some went to King Ntumwa and said, “Sir, in our village there is a man who hunts and kills a lot of animals”, He kills four to five animals every day, The man came from Kitara.”

So the King sent his messenger called Kisaba, “Ask that man why he came and killed animals in my land without permission, Ask him why is acting as if this land has no ruler.

When Kisaba arrived at Nyakiiru’s hut, he found when he had killed four Buffalos that day,  Kisaba reported, “I have been sent by the King to ask you why you came and hunted in his land without informing him and why you kill wild animals, but you don’t present them to the King?” Nyakiiru answered, I haven’t settled yet; moreover, I do not know where the palace is. But from now on, I will hunt and present to the King.

Then Nyakiiru gave a whole buffalo to Kisaba saying, “Take this and eat. From now on, you are my friend. When I come to present the animals to the King, it will be you who will introduce me to him.

When Kisaba returned to Ntumwa place, he met Ntahi(chief of Kigarama) and Mukwire(Kings favorite courtier), he told them how Nyakiiru was a good man and how he had treated him nicely by giving him a whole Buffalo to present to the King and that the people of Buhanga loved him.

Nyakiiru continued making more friends, village after village, courtier after , chief after chief, including the Kings wives, even the King asked him to move closer to his palace in a place called Kishenge.

When he gained the confidence of the three courtiers, they started providing secrets to him, they told him that their King was a very bad man, stingy, he would hardy share and return favors.

Nyakiiru answered, “Well, if King Ntumwa mistreats you, can’t you find another King, you expelled the King’s son when he was a very young boy?” Yes we did, replied the men, that boy removed his upper teeth first.

Then Nyakiiru summoned Kanyamaiswa, and presented him to and said, “This is the boy you expelled. He is now a man.” So the three courtiers plotted to eliminate King Ntumwa and install Kanyamaiswa.

King Ntumwa liked grasshoppers, so they planned to eliminate him during the grasshopper season when most people in the palace would be out grasshopper hunting, when the season arrived and most people were out of the palace, Nyakiiru speared Ntumwa and died and Kanyamaiswa was installed King.

But rumors went around that its Nyakiiru who had killed King Ntumwa, He was thus nicknamed “Kibi Kibunga” meaning a WONDERING EVIL, saying this man came as a common vistor, we welcomed him and now he has killed our King, So now Nyakiiru become to be known as Kibi and the former name fell out.

The new King Kanyamaiswa went about to tour the area of his subjects, but one of his county chiefs in Kibumbiro called Mulinda warned him of an eventual coup if he returned to his palace, “ Why are you anxious to go back to those people? Are you aware they killed your father, King Ntumwa?, Are you sure they won’t kill you when you go back, let me build you a palace here as we wait to see their plans, said Mulinda, this made sense to Kanyamaiswa and a palace was build for him in Kibumbiro.

Kibi and his associates learnt about the Kanyamasiwa’s decision to stay in Kibumbiro, so they devised a plan to lure him back to Kishenge, Kibi pretended to be sick and sent out for Kayamaiswa, he got blood and mixed with milk in a bowl and sent it over to him

When Kanyamaiswa saw the content, he thought it was puss and blood, he rushed to go back to Kishenge without even informing Mulinda who was hosting him, the two met again and Kibi was very pleased to see Kanyamaiswa.

Kibi instructed Ntahi to sound a drum to gather people to announce to them their new King, Kanyamaiswa was presented as the new King and people were very happy, Kibi however never revealed that he wanted to be King, he kept his intention secret, nor did he show them his drum “Nyamirembe” which was always wrapped in bark cloths.

Ntahi, the palace courtier ordered the people to build a new palace for Kanyamaiswa in fear that the old palace the Kings father might have spirits that would haunt him, Kibi remained in the old palace.

Two Kings

Due to the cruelty of King Kanyamasiwa, most elders abandoned him and started attending court at Kibi’s palace where they were treated well. People started designating Kibi as the King of Kiziba, at the same time they recognized Kanyamaiswa as King, Thus the Kingdom had to Kings. Kibi won the title of King through his love of people.

When King Kanyamaiswa came on one of his visits to pick up his father’s royal drum, Kibi also unwrapped his own drum, “Nyamirembe” and put it where Kings Ntumwa’s drum used to be placed signifying that he was also King, this had been a well kept secret.

Neither Kibi or Kanyamaiswa would depose each other, first they were blood brotherhood pact friends, secondly its Kibi who had helped Kanyamaiswa come to the throne of Kiziba and thirdly Kibi has to fully get the trust of all the people of Kiziba. So, King Kanyamaiswa and King Kibi lived together in peace.

However King Kanyamaiswa’s powers diminished, King Kibi acted as if he felt superior. The people, too, preferred King Kibi to Kanyamaiswa who let his fellow-ruler be; he could do nothing about it. The people had shown their preference. So, King Kibi become the more powerful. The two Kings, however, co-operated and respected each other. King Kibi excelled over his co-king by superior mental power but he was faithful to their blood-friendship, King Kibi would practically become the sole ruler.


Death of Kibi

When Omukama Kibi died, his son Isamura(the bushbuck) performed the rite for the succession kiss, After the succession kiss, Isamura build a temporary palace named Bisansa(dry banana leaves). Nine days passed before the burial of King Kibi, for the people waited for the decomposition of his body in order that his jaw might be extracted.

So, nine days after the death of King Kibi, his lower jaw/mandible was detached as the customs of Bunyoro-Kitara dictated since its where he had come from. It was placed on his stool and taken into the sacred room in the Kings main house. After the jaw extraction ritual, a dugout canoe was brought into which they placed the body of King Kibi.

Then the elders consulted one another to take him to Kitara and bury him there for that was his country of origin. So, they cut a way though the marsh and paddled the boast across the Kagera River. On the other bank, they found a wood, in the wood they dug a grave and interred the body of King Kibi together with the dugout in which he lay.


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